G-Z5YD2SNGFC Occupational Therapist | Dscne
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Occupational Therapist


What is Occupational Therapy?

Many children with Down syndrome present difficulties with fine motor, gross motor skills and sensory issues which affect their ability to engage in daily activities. An Occupational Therapist works with children to help them gain the functional skills they require to achieve their maximum potential at school, home and in play/social activities. OT sessions are fun, creative and stimulating for a child’s development, which not only develops skill, but also boosts self-esteem.


Occupational Therapy sessions are fun, creative and stimulating for a child’s development and self esteem and take place in a combination of settings – in our OT Gym, OT Therapy Room and Multisensory Room.


Currently these take place weekly on a Wednesday morning between 10am and 1pm, and once a month an additional afternoon session for virtual sessions/appointments and home and school programmes.


To download an Occupational Therapy leaflet please click here – DSCNE Occupational Therapy Leaflet

Benefits of Occupational Therapy

An Occupational Therapist works closely with parents, teachers and other healthcare professionals to assess and determine the underlying components which are impacting on the child’s functioning and identify appropriate strategies to help them.


Occupational Therapy intervention can address a range of developmental difficulties such as:


  • Motor Development: gross motor (balance, ball skills), fine motor (finger strength, grip, manual dexterity)

  • Visual-Motor Integration Skills: eye-hand coordination, which affects functional skills such as drawing, cutting, dressing and catching a ball

  • Visual Perceptual Skills: the ability to interpret, analyse, and give meaning to what we see, which is essential for learning to read, write and perform activities of daily living

  • Sensory Integration: effecting attention and concentration skills, regulation, impulsivity

  • Social Skills: developing appropriate play skills, improve eye contact, turn taking and awareness of body language

  • Handwriting Development: pencil grip, letter formations, letter reversals, spacing

  • Practical Living Skills: dressing, toileting, self-care, organisation

Individual Occupational Therapy Services

Our Occupational Therapists offer one-on-one Occupational Therapy services throughout most of the year. These sessions are 45 minutes in length and cost €25. For booking information please contact us.


These one-on-one sessions are organised following an initial assessment where an OT will meet your child, discuss their needs and determine what Occupational Therapy programme would suit them best.

Group Occupational Therapy Services

Multipurpose Room.jpg

Group Therapy provides opportunities for socialisation with peers and opportunities for friendships to develop. Goals include making friends, developing confidence & self-esteem, and improving listening skills and conversation skills.

Group Therapy is an excellent opportunity for children to be able to develop their skills in a less pressurised environment than individual therapy.


There are many benefits to attending group therapy, such as the opportunity for your child to;


  • Teach and learn from other children

  • Practise skills in a more natural learning environment

  • Build their confidence in using their communication skills with friends

  • Children will learn co-operation and negation skills

  • Have fun and make some new friends!


The Occupational Therapy Department provide the following groups:


  • Floor Time – for children aged 18 months to 4 years

  • Toddler Sensory Group – for play school aged children

  • Preschool and School visits

  • Teens – for children aged 10 to 18 – (groups will vary depending on the individual needs and age of the teenagers)



For more information on occupational therapy or to book your child in for occupational therapy with DSCNE please contact us.

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