ParentAL Support

Family Room
Our Family Room is a lovely colourful and comfortable place for parents and families to meet up before or after an appointment or class – or anytime during the day!

Counselling is offered by an IAHIP accredited Psychotherapist. Support is available for any adult client/parent/carer/family member who feels they could benefit. It is possible to contact our therapist confidentially to discuss counselling support by emailing her directly on

Coffee Mornings
Parents of children with Down Syndrome in the North East region are invited to come to our centre for an informal chat and coffee. This is a great opportunity for you to meet other parents in a relaxed environment, enjoy a well-deserved cuppa and treat while your little ones can play and make new friends. Any of our Therapists may also be here to answer any questions you may have. Grandparents/carers also welcomed too and younger children if that's easier with childcare.

Family Support
In Autumn 2023 we launched our new Family Support Service. Pam, our Family Support Worker can meet with parents to offer emotional and practical support on a variety of different issues that are important and relevant to you and help you navigate your way through your difficulties.
Support that can be offered includes:
Advice on local/Community supports.
Support with filling out application forms.
Advice on specific Benefits and Entitlements.
Support with carrying out therapy programmes
Advice on managing your child’s behaviour
Developing links with other services
You can contact Pam directly via: or
Mobile: 0874747912 (Pam works 14 hours per week so if you leave a message she will get back to you)